Time Management for Leaders • Morrow, GA

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GUARDIAN LEADERSHIP presents Time Management for Leaders – In the fast-paced, technology-driven work environment of the modern age, being busy has become the default mode of operation. Being busy is now a substitute for being effective. Checking items off our to-do lists has replaced genuine accomplishment. We fight fires by default even though we know that fire prevention is a better strategy. Our agencies and our careers get stuck in doing what we’ve always done instead of imagining what might be.

During this ONE-DAY interactive workshop, you will learn:

  • Why to-do lists are poor tools.
  • Why seting goals doesn’t work for most people and what to do instead.
  • Why your daily habits are the best indicator of your success.
  • Why good habits are difficult to form, and bad habits are hard to break.
  • How to develop a healthy relationship with technology.
  • How to identify your priorities and organize your life around them.
  • The natural law that is critical to your personal effectiveness.
  • The one skill that improves all others.
  • Countless strategies to take control of your time and gain control of your life.

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